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  • Writer's pictureAsma Bint Shameem

Can I point my feet towards the Ka’bah when I sleep? Or when I’m just sitting down?

by Asma bint Shameem


That’s a very common misconception that we have especially among the people from Pakistan and India.

They think it’s ‘disrespectful’ to point the feet towards the Ka’bah.

But the CORRECT opinion is that, there’s NOTHING WRONG with pointing the feet towards the qiblah, irrespective of whether someone is sleeping or just sitting or anything else.

You can sleep in WHICHEVER direction your feet point to. And you can sit in ANY position you like.

As long as you’re not doing it purposely, Aa’oodhu Billaah, as a disrespect, (and who would do that anyway?!), then there’s nothing wrong with that.

One of the basic principles of our Deen is that everything is permissible unless there’s a specific text to prohibit that.

And there’s nothing in the Sharee’ah to prohibit pointing the feet towards the Qiblah.

In fact if someone is so sick that they cannot pray standing up, they are SUPPOSED to pray with their feet TOWARDS the qiblah.

🍃 Shaykh ibn Uthaymeen said:

“There is no sin on a person if he sleeps with his feet towards the Ka’bah, rather the fuqaha’ said:

“If a sick person cannot stand or sit, he should pray lying on his side with his face towards the qiblah, and if he cannot then he should pray on his back with his feet towards the qiblah.”

(Fataawa Ibn ‘Uthaymeen, 2/976)

🔺Something to really THINK about🔺

The sad part is that we are SO worried about “disrespecting the Ka’bah” by pointing our feet towards it.

But we DON’T THINK TWICE about disrespecting the LORD of the Ka’bah by disobeying Him.

Something we all need to think about…

And Allaah knows best


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