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  • Writer's pictureAsma Bint Shameem

Can I recite duaas from the Qur'aan in my sujood?

by Asma bint Shameem 🌿 ANSWER🌿

đŸ”șAlthough the default is that it's NOT allowed to read the Qur'aan in sujood, there is an EXCEPTION to this rule.

And that is... if what you're saying in sujood is in the form of Duaa', then it's allowed to say it, even if it's an aayah from the Qur'aan.

đŸ”șThat's because our intention is not to 'read' the Qur'aan in sujood as a 'tilaawah'; rather our intention is to make DUAA' and ask Allaah.

đŸ”șAnd what better way would there be to ask Allaah than in the very words He Himself taught His Messengers such as Adam, and Nuh and Ibraheem and Yunus (alayhim assalaam), just to name a few?

đŸ”șAnd what about the duaas that the righteous and pious made that Allaah mentions so approvingly of, in His Book?

Surely those are good words that are comprehensive and rich in meaning.

And so beloved to Allaah.

đŸ”șSo go ahead and make the duaas found in the Qur'aan in your sujood.

đŸ”șHowever, do make sure you understand the MEANINGS before you say them.

Reflect on the words.

Say them sincerely... emerging from your heart. ❀

And a let a tear flow.

❣ "There is nothing wrong with that (saying a duaa from the Qur'aan) if it is done as a duaa' and not as recitation of Qur’aan."

(Fataawa al-Lajnah al-Daa’imah, 6/443)

And Allaah knows best.


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