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  • Writer's pictureAsma Bint Shameem

Fasting collectively for Palestine?

by Asma bint Shameem

This Thursday is the Global Day of Fasting where everyone will fast together for Palestine.

What is the Sharee’ah perspective on this?


Fasting on Thursdays is Sunnah.

That’s why we fast on Thursdays; because the Prophet ﷺ used to fast Thursdays.

NOT because of Gaza.

NOT because of some crisis.

NOT because of some pandemic.

That has NO basis in Islaam.

Collective fasting is NOT from the Sunnah.

Fasting is an act of Ibaadah.

Our intention behind fasting should be to fast for the sake of worshiping Allaah Subhaanahu wa Ta’aala.

And by doing so, we hope to earn the Pleasure of Allaah, and earn rewards for that.

That should be the purpose of our fasting and all our ibaadaat.

As for collective fasting and fixing a day so that the whole world can fast together, that’s bid’ah and introducing new things in the religion.

That’s not how the Prophet ﷺ and the Sahaabah fasted.

That’s not what they did when they were faced with persecution from the disbelievers.

Or when they were killed left and right.

Or when they were driven from their homes.

Or when they faced the enemy in the Battle of Badr. Or the Battle of the Trench.

Or when they faced ANY crisis.

The Prophet ﷺ did NOT pick a day and tell the Sahaabah to all fast together that day for solidarity against the enemy.

The way the Sharee’ah is established is not just “occasional, one time” acts of ibaadah. Then that’s it.



The Sunnah is to fast EVERY Thursday.

And EVERY Monday.

To be consistent on it.

And when Allaah Subhaanahu wa Ta’aala sees from us our consistency and our COMMITMENT to the Deen, THAT’S when Allaah Subhaanahu wa Ta’aala puts barakah.

That’s when relief comes.

That’s when we hope to be ACCEPTED by Allaah and LOVED by Allaah Subhaanahu wa Ta’aala and have our duaas answered.

So fast every Thursday.

And every Monday.

Fast for the sake of Allaah irrespective of whether other people are fasting or not.

And make duaa for Palestine every day and for ALL Muslims everywhere all over the world.

And make duaa for yourself.

And ask Allaah for guidance and istiqaamah; and safety from all harm and safety from all bid’ah.

Remember your Ibaadah is between you and Allaah.

Worship Allaah purely for His pleasure and make duaa to Him for whatever you need.

And be consistent in it.

He will take care of the rest.

And Allaah knows best.


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