by Asma bint Shameem
🌿The Prophet صل الله عليه و سلّم said:
“🍃Friday is the master of days, and the greatest of them before Allaah.
🍃It is greater before Allaah than the day of al-Adha and the day of al-Fitr.
🍃It has five characteristics:
-on this day Allaah created Adam,
-on it He sent Adam down to the earth,
-on it Allaah caused Adam to die,
-on it there is a time when a person does not ask Allaah for anything but He gives it to him, so long as he does not ask for anything haraam,
-and on it the Hour will begin.
🍃There is no angel who is close to Allaah, no heaven, no earth, no wind, no mountain and no sea that does not fear Friday.”
(Ibn Maajah --hasan by al-Albaani in Saheeh al-Jaami’, no. 2279)
Subhaan Allaah!
What an amazing hadeeth!
The day of Friday is greater in the sight of Allaah than even Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Ad'haa!
And there's no creature in the heavens and the earth except that they fear that the Hour will come that day!
It could have been. But it didn't happen.
That's another chance for you and me.
So don't take this day lightly.
Do realize the importance of this great day.
Do as many good deeds as you possibly can
Go to the Friday prayers
Busy yourself with the dhikr of Allaah and read some Qur'aan especially Surah al-Kahf
Send plenty of salutations upon the Prophet صل الله عليه و سلّم
Seek out that special hour when Allaah answers and make lots of duaa.
If the day is so great, then so are the rewards.