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Fridays and NEW clothes

Writer's picture: Asma Bint ShameemAsma Bint Shameem

by Asma bint Shameem


I have heard that if I buy/wear NEW clothes in Ramadhaan especially on Fridays, there will be no ‘hisaab’ or ‘accountability’. Is that true?


That is a very common misconception especially among the women from the Subcontinent and it’s absolutely NOT true. 

Some people buy new clothes and wear them especially on a Friday in Ramadhaan thinking there will be no accountability for buying/wearing those clothes just because they wore them in Ramadhaan and especially on Friday.

Some even buy their ENTIRE WARDROBE for the YEAR in Ramadhaan based on this misconception. 

But there’s absolutely NO PROOF in the Sharee’ah for believing something like this.

There’s NO Aayah in the Qur’aan that says that.

There’s NO authentic hadeeth that says that.


Actually, the Prophet sal Allaahu Alayhi wa sallam has told us that we WILL be accountable for the blessings that Allaah has bestowed upon us. 

And he forbade pride and extravagance. 

So we must be very clear that we WILL be answerable for EVERY BLESSING that we have from Allaah Subhaanahu wa Ta’aala. . 

We’re answerable for the WEALTH we possess; how we EARNED it and how we SPENT it. 

And our clothes are PART of our wealth. 

And it DOESN’T matter if we used the wealth in Ramadhaan or not. 

📌 The Prophet sal Allaahu Alayhi wa sallam said:

“A person’s feet will not move on, on the Day of Resurrection, until he is questioned about 

-his life and how he spent it, 

-about his knowledge and what he did with it, 

-about his WEALTH, from where he acquired it and on what he spent it, and 

-about his body and for what he wore it out.”

(at-Tirmidhi -saheeh by al-Albaani)

🍃And he said:

“Verily, the first thing a servant will be asked about on the Day of Resurrection will be his blessings.” (al-Tirmidhī 3358; saheeh by al-Albaani) 

And clothes are part of our blessings. 

📌 Ibn al-Qayyim said: 

“Qataadah said: Allaah will ask each person about what He bestowed upon him of His blessings and whether he fulfilled His rights over him.

The blessings that will be asked about are of two types: 

a) those that he acquired by PERMISSIBLE means and disposed of in lawful ways: 

he will be asked about whether he gave thanks for them; 

b) those that he acquired by PROHIBITED means and disposed of in unlawful ways: 

he will be asked about how he acquired them and how he disposed of them.” 

[Ighaathat al-Lahfaan (1/84)]

So there’s NOTHING in the Sharee’ah that says that the “clothes” bought or worn in Ramadhaan will not be asked about. 

And that goes for ALL the blessings of Allaah. 

🔺Bottom line:

You may wear NEW clothes in Ramadhaan. 

You may wear OLD clothes in Ramadhaan. 

You can wear whatever you like. 

Just be moderate and don’t think that there’s “no accountability” for the new clothes you buy or wear in this month. 

This is a MISCONCEPTION that we need to get rid of. 

And Allaah knows best

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