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I want to read Surah al-Kahf today but I’m on my monthly cycle. Can I read the Qur’aan in this state?

Writer's picture: Asma Bint ShameemAsma Bint Shameem

by Asma bint Shameem 


Many of the scholars, including Ibn Abbaas, Imaam Bukhaari, Ibn Taymiyah, Ibn Baaz, Shaikh al-Albaani, etc are of the opinion that it is allowed for a woman on her menses to read the Qur'aan, but without touching it directly. 

And although there are some ulama who say it’s not allowed for a woman to read the Qur’aan during her period, the stronger scholarly opinion is that it’s perfectly ok to read it in this time. 

When we look at the Qur’aan and authentic Sunnah, we find that 

there’s no specific Saheeh hadeeth of the Prophet sal Allaahu Alayhi wa sallam or any statement of the Sahaabah that would tell us that it is forbidden for women to read Qur’aan in their monthly cycle. 

🍃 Ibn Taymiyah said:

“Basically, there is no Sunnah to prevent her from reciting the Qur’aan. 

The “hadeeth” that: “A menstruating woman and the one who is in state of Janaabah should not recite anything of the Qur’aan”, is a weak hadeeth as agreed upon by the knowledgeable scholars of Hadeeth.

In fact women at the time of the Prophet Sal Allaahu Alaiyhi wa Sallam used to have their monthly cycles of menses.

Had the recitation of Qur’aan been prohibited for them (as it is the case with Salaah) then the Prophet Sal Allaahu Alaiyhi wa Sallam would have made it clear to his Ummah and his wives would have known about it and they would have dissipated this knowledge to the people. 

Because no one had related a prohibition by the Prophet Sal Allaahu Alaiyhi wa Sallam about this issue, then it cannot be made unlawful especially when it is known that he Sal Allaahu Alaiyhi wa Sallam did not prohibit it at the time when menses was very much present.

Accordingly, recitation by the tongue is not Haraam.” (Al-Fatawa V. 26, P. 191)

🍃 And Shaikh Ibn Baaz said: 

"It is permissible for the woman who is menstruating or bleeding following childbirth to recite Qur'aan according to the more correct of the two scholarly opinions."

(Majmoo' Fataawa Ibn Baaz, 10/209)

📌Think about it

The Qur’aan was an inherent part of the female companions of the Prophet sal Allaahu Alayhi wa sallam. 

They regularly read the Qur’aan and LIVED by it. 

That’s ALL they did

That’s ALL they had

They didn’t have TV, phones, shopping, gardening etc to distract them. 

It was just their daily chores and the Qur’aan. 

If they were not supposed to read the Qur’aan during those period days, then we would have had SOME indication, SOME narration, SOME evidence that told us that. 

But we don’t.

although we do have specific ahaadeeth about them not praying during the period and not fasting during the period. 

We even have narrations about the minutest details of the most private issues in a woman’s life. 

But there’s nothing about not reading Qur’aan during menses. 

📌 Another point:

Also think about it logically. 

This Qur’aan is a book of guidance and healing. 

It’s supposed to be a part of our DAILY lives, something we NEED, EVERY SINGLE DAY. 

Yet most women have their period for a whole week or more or less. 

And some women’s period lasts as long as 10 days!

That’s 1/3rd out of a whole month of someone’s life!

How can it be that Allaah is telling us to stay away from such a great source of guidance and knowledge for such a long time?

How can it be that Allaah Subhaanahu wa Ta’aala would deprive us of His Book, learning from it, memorizing it, benefitting from it?

That can’t be.

The Qur’aan is a whole way of life. 

A Prescription for this life and the next. 

It’s a Code of Conduct. 

A Book of Manners. 

We need it Every Single Day of our lives. 

How can it be that we would not be able to access this treasure for over a whole week in a month?!

For reasons such as these and more, the ulama say that it is allowed for women to read the Qur’aan while on their period. 


 Can I read it complete sentences or I have to break up the aayaat?

There are “some” who say that it’s not allowed  to read the whole aayah at a time. 

Rather they say to “break up the aayah and say each word with a pause in between”.

BUT there’s NO proof for saying that.


If you can read the Qur’aan as a few words at a time, what’s wrong with reading all of them put together in a complete aayah?

🔺So go ahead and read Surah al-Kahf today even if you have your period. 

Just try not to touch the Mus-haf directly; rather just use gloves, a pencil, or cloth etc to turn the pages of the Mus-haf, to be on the safe side. 

Or you can simply use your iPad or tablet or any electronic device to read, not just Surah al-Kahf, but the whole of the Qur’aan. 

And Allaah knows best


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