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Is it allowed to offer the Friday prayers at home?

Writer's picture: Asma Bint ShameemAsma Bint Shameem

Updated: Apr 17, 2020

by Asma bint Shameem

🌿 ANSWER 🌿 First of all, Jumu’ah prayer is not obligatory on women. So they don’t have to worry about praying Jumu’ah in any case. As for the adult Muslim man, the basic principle is that Jumu’ah prayer is an obligation upon him that must be established every Friday in congregation But if there’s any valid reason that prevents Muslim men from attending Jumu’ah in the masjid, such as epidemic outbreaks, war, fear of the enemy etc., then the obligation to go to Jumu’ah is lifted. 🍃 Ibn Qudaamah said: “The one who is afraid is excused for not praying in congregation or praying Jumu’ah, because the Prophet Sal Allaahu Alaiyhi wa Sallam said: “Valid excuses are fear and sickness.” Fear is of three types: fear for oneself, fear for one’s wealth or property, and fear for one’s family.” [al-Mughni (1/366)] In such situations, a Muslim man can either: 1 Pray Dhuhr at home. Or 2. If there’s a way to pray Jumu’ah gathering even a “few” men, in the house or in a shop, office or hall, etc. then Jumu’ah may be prayed there, IF it is allowed by the authorities and it is safe to do so. Otherwise, he should pray Dhuhr at home. 🍃 The scholars at AMJA issued a statement regarding Jumu’ah prayers during the coronavirus outbreak. They said: “It is permitted for the public to miss jumuah and pray dhuhr at home or work. For those who wish to establish jumuah in their homes or workplaces, they may establish a jumuah congregation while abiding by the CDC-allowed numbers (or any lower numbers enforced by local, state or federal authorities) and observing all the necessary precautions. This is because jumuah is valid outside the masjid according to the position of the majority.“ (AMJA Fatwa Committee) 🔺 QUESTION ❓ Doesn’t Jumu’ah have to be prayed in a masjid only? According to the stronger scholarly opinion, the Jumu’ah prayer may be established in a place outside the masjid, in a place of work, school, etc.if there’s a need. 🍃The scholars said: “There is no stipulation that Jumu‘ah prayer should be offered in a masjid or jaami‘ according to the majority of fuqaha’” (Islamqa Fatwa # 153872) 🔺What is the minimum number of people for Jumu’ah to be valid? According to the stronger scholarly opinion is that the minimum number needed to establish Jumu’ah is THREE. 🍃 The scholars of the Standing Committee said: “With regard to the number required to hold Jumu’ah prayers, we do not know of any text which stipulates a specific number. Because there is no text which stipulates a specific number, the scholars differed concerning the number required. Among the opinions which have been stated concerning that is the view that it may be done if there are THREE MEN who are local residents. This was reported from Imam Ahmad, and was the view favored by al-Awzaa’i and Shaykh Taqiy al-Deen Ibn Taymiyah, because Allaah says: ‘come to the remembrance of Allaah [Jumu‘ah Khutbah and Salaah (prayer)]’ [al-Jumu’ah 62:9] – the verbal form used is plural, which implies a minimum of three.” [Fataawa al-Lajnah al-Daa’imah (8/210)] 🍃 Shaikh Ibn Uthaymeen said: “The most correct scholarly opinion is that the number that is sufficient for Jumu‘ah is three: an imam to deliver the khutbah, a mu’adhdhin to give the call to prayer, and a worshipper to answer the call.” [Majmoo‘ Fataawa wa Rasaa’il, 13/831] 🔺 QUESTION 🔺 “Can I pray Jumu’ah at home with other men of my family?” There’s a difference of opinion among the scholars about this issue. Some of the scholars have allowed that but ONLY under extenuating circumstances. And other scholars said it’s simply NOT allowed to pray Jumu’ah at home with your family. 🍃 Shaikh Waleed Basyouni said: “Several scholars have said that praying Jumu’ah at home with family would be permissible if there are at least three men, but that’s ONLY in dire, severe situations such as in epidemics, etc. However, I don’t want to encourage that because if we open this door, then I’m afraid people might stop coming to the masjid even after the pandemic is over and would pray Friday prayers in their houses.” Besides, praying Jumu’ah in the houses BEATS the very PURPOSE of Jumu’ah, and that is to GATHER together for prayer. The name “Jumu’ah” is given to “Friday” because the word “Jumu’ah” is derived from the word jam’ which means “to gather together” And if we pray at home, then we’re not ‘gathering’. 🍃 Ibn Katheer said, "It was named Jumu'ah because it is derived from the word Al-Jam' in Arabic which means to gather, as Muslims gather on this day every week, and Allaah has commanded the believers to gather for His worship, as He says that which means:{"O you who believe! When the call is proclaimed for Jumu`ah (Friday prayer), come fast to the remembrance of Allah"} [Jumu’ah: 9] meaning be keen to go and attend it." So the safest thing to do would be to pray Dhuhr at home, since the obligation of Jumu’ah has been lifted anyway due to the coronavirus pandemic. And Allaah knows best


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