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Misconceptions about the month of Safar

Writer's picture: Asma Bint ShameemAsma Bint Shameem

by Asma bint Shameem 

Some people think that the month of Safar is “unlucky”.

Some think that it’s “heavy” or “hard” on men. 

Some think there are extra calamities in this month and so they pray special prayers to “protect” themselves from them. 

NONE of the above is TRUE.

NONE of it is proven from the Qur’aan and/or authentic Sunnah


And superstition is HARAAM.

Our beautiful Deen teaches us that it’s forbidden to believe in any kind of superstition, ‘bad’ luck or evil omens. 

These were the beliefs of the people of jaahiliyyah. 

And Islaam came to take mankind out of the darkness of ignorance and false beliefs into the light of guidance, and to REMOVE all sorts of superstitions. 

As Muslims we believe that NOTHING can harm or benefit us except with the Will and Permission of Allaah Subhaanahu wa Ta’aala.

And we place our trust in Him. 

🍃Allaah says:

“If Allaah helps you, none can overcome you; and if He forsakes you, who is there after Him that can help you? 

And in Allaah (Alone) let believers put their trust.”

(Surah Aale Imraan: 160)

🍃And Allaah says:

“Say: "Nothing shall ever happen to us except what Allaah has ordained for us. 

He is our Maula (Lord, Helper and Protector)." And in Allah let the believers put their trust.” 

(Surah at-Taubah:51)

Actually believing that a certain time or month or place or thing is “unlucky” or “ill-omened” is SHIRK

🍃The Prophet sal Allaahu Alayhi wa sallam said:

“Tiyaarah (superstitious belief in omens) is shirk.” 

(al-Tirmidhi, Abu Dawood - saheeh by al-Albaani) 

🍃Shaikh Ibn Uthaymeen said:

“The Arabs used to regard certain birds, times and persons as unlucky, and this is SHIRK as the Prophet Sal Allaahu Alaiyhi wa Sallam said.”


Think about it...

Aren’t “WE” doing the same thing as the PAGAN Arabs by believing a certain month to be bad?!

How can some month  be ‘evil’ or ‘unlucky’?

How can a ‘month’ harm me?

Didn’t Allaah create all the months?

Why would a certain time of the year bring me calamities?

Ask yourself this...

CAN” a certain time of the year bring me harm or good?

Does it even have the power to do that?!

Of course not!

🍃Ibn al-Qayyim said:  

“Tatayyur refers to superstitions about something that is seen or heard; if a person follows it  and he changes his mind about traveling or refuses to do something he had previously decided to do, then this is SHIRK and is contrary to putting one’s trust in Allaah. 

He opens the door to fear and attachment to something OTHER than Allaah.

Superstition based on something that he sees or hears takes him away from the status that is expressed in the verses “You (Alone) we worship, and You (Alone) we ask for help (for each and everything)” [al-Faatihah 1:5], “So worship Him and put your trust in Him” [Hood 11:123] and “in Him I trust and unto Him I repent” [Hood 11:88]. 

His heart has become attached to something other than Allaah, in the sense of worship and dependence, so his heart and faith are CORRUPTED, he will be continually disturbed by these superstitious notions and the shaytaan will lead him from that to things that will damage his religious and worldly interests. 

How many people have been destroyed by that and lost out in this world and in the hereafter?

How can this compare to righteous optimism which brings joy to the heart, strengthens hope, quells fear, brings calm and motivates one to seek the help of Allaah and put one’s trust in Him and to be of good cheer. 

This is the opposite of superstition, for optimism leads a person to obey Allaah and believe in Him alone (Tawheed), whereas superstitious pessimism leads one to disobey Him and associate others with Him (shirk).

Hence the Prophet Sal Allaahu Alaiyhi wa Sallam liked optimism, and he declared superstition to be invalid.” 

[Miftaah Daar al-Sa’aadah (2/246, 247)]

Thus ANY kind of superstition is SHIRK

🍃And that why the Prophet sal Allaahu Alayhi wa sallam said:

“There is no ‘adwaa [transmission of infectious disease without the permission of Allah], no tiyarah [superstitious belief in bird omens], no haamah [refers to a Jaahili Arab tradition described variously as: a worm that infests the grave of a murder victim until he is avenged; an owl; or the bones of a dead person turned into a bird that could fly], and no Safar [the month of Safar was regarded as unlucky in the Jaahiliyyah]. 

But flee from the leper as you would flee from a lion.” (al-Bukhaari 5387 and Muslim 2220). 

🍃Shaykh Ibn ‘Uthaymeen said: 

“Several explanations were given for the word “Safar” [in this hadeeth]: 

What is most likely to be the case is that what is meant here is the month of Safar, as they used to regard it as unlucky during the Jaahiliyyah. 

But time and months have NO IMPACT on people or on the decrees of Allaah, Subhaanahu wa Ta’aala. 

Therefore time in Safar is like time in any other month, when good or bad may be decreed. 

Safar is neither a good month nor a bad month. 

Therefore some of the early generation would denounce a person who said, upon hearing the call of the owl [which was regarded as inauspicious during the Jaahiliyyah], “It is good, in shaa Allaah,” by stating that it should not be described as either good or bad; rather it calls like any other bird.”


As we can see from the above ahaadeeth, believing that the month of Safar as “unlucky” or “evil” or “full of calamities” is a belief of the Jahiliyyah.

It’s a PAGAN belief, which has NOTHING to do with the pure, monotheistic religion of Islaam. 

It’s NOT “heavy” or “hard” on ANY ONE.

There’s NOTHING WRONG with getting married in this month, or start a new business or anything else in our lives. 

There are NO special prayers to be read,

NO special duaas to be made, 

NO special dhikr to be said. 

Rather, Safar is just as ‘normal’ and as ‘safe’ as ANY OTHER MONTH of the year. 

May Allaah guide us to the Truth and enable us to truly put our trust in Him. 

And Allaah knows best.


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