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What does it mean by “the Shayaateen being chained during Ramadhaan?”

Writer's picture: Asma Bint ShameemAsma Bint Shameem

by Asma bint Shameem


The Prophet ﷺ said:

“When the month of Ramadhaan begins, the gates of the heaven are opened and the gates of Hellfire are closed and the devils are chained.” (al-Bukhaari, Muslim 1079)

There’s a difference of opinion among the scholars about the exact meaning of the Shayaateen being chained during Ramadhaan.

🍃 Ibn Taymiyyah said:

The Prophet Sal Allaahu Alaiyhi wa Sallam said:

“Surely Shaytaan circulates through man like blood.” (Saheeh al-Bukhaari 7171)

There is no doubt that blood is generated by way of food and drink. When the person eats or drinks the passage for Shaytaan widens.

For this reason he said:

“Constrict his passage with hunger”

Some have mentioned this wording directly narrated from the Prophet Sal Allaahu Alaiyhi wa Sallam.

Likewise, for this reason the Prophet Sal Allaahu Alaiyhi wa Sallam said:

“When the month of Ramadhaan enters, the doors of paradise are opened, the gates of the Hell-fire are closed, and the devils are chained up.” (Saheeh Muslim 1079)

For surely the passage of Shaytaan—which is the blood—becomes constricted (by fasting).

And when it becomes constricted the hearts are provoked towards good deeds which open the doors of paradise.

And the hearts are provoked to abandon evils deeds which open the gates of the Hell-fire.

(Consequently the gates of the Hell-fire are closed)

The devils are chained thus their strength and actions are weakened because they are chained.

Therefore during the month of Ramadhaan they are not able to accomplish what they do in other months.

And he Sal Allaahu Alaiyhi wa Sallam did not say the Shaytaan is killed or he dies (during Ramadhaan);

rather he said “the devils are chained”. A chained devil can still cause harm. But their harm is less and weaker than it is outside the month of Ramadhaan.

It is based upon the completeness or deficiency of the fast.

The person whose fast is complete will have a protection from Shaytaan which is greater than the protection of the person whose fast is deficient.”

(Majmoo’ Fataawaa)

🍃 Shaikh ibn Baaz said:

“Chaining up devils in Ramadhaan means that they are locked up in fetters as in the wording (of the hadeeth) which is agreed upon. “And devils are chained up” means chains are put on them.

The scholars have two different opinions regarding specifying those devils:

One (opinion) is that it (i.e, the hadeeth) includes ALL the devils.

The other (opinion) is that it is “specific” to “some” of them.

And those saying it is specific, have also two different opinions

One (opinion) is: that it is the devils who gain hearing by stealing, and this is the opinion of Al Hulaimi the author of "al Minhaj fi Shu'ab al Imaan"

The other (opinion) is: that it is specific to the most evil and disobedient ones, and this is the opinion of ibn Khuzayma, the owner of the book "Saheeh ibn khuzayma"

And the most correct of these two opinions is that chaining up is for ALL the devils with their different states, whether the most evil ones, the less evil, those who gain hearing by stealing or those who don't, so all the devils are chained up and locked up so they have no effects over the creatures.

And what is meant by those who are chained up, is the ones that are separated from the souls (of humans) and are unattached to them.

As for the Qareen devil (companion devil), then he is not chained up. 

For the Hadeeth of the story of Safiyyah Radhi Allaahu anhaa narrated in the two Saheeh when she came to the messenger of Allaah (ﷺ) while he was in itikaaf and two men of Ansaar passed by so they quickened their pace, then the prophet (ﷺ) called them and said “she is Safiyyah” so they wondered at what he said, whereupon he said:

“I was afraid lest Shaytaan should instill something (evil) in your hearts”

What is meant by Shaytaan is their companion devil. And this (story) took place in Ramadhaan.

Also the narration of Abu Hurayrah Radhi Allaahu anhu in the two saheeh

“Shaytaan circulates in the body of man like the circulation of blood”

what is meant is the Qareen devil, not every devil, for the companion devil circulates in the body like blood does.

Same (as a proof) is the fact that the fasting person (in Ramadhaan) might have a wet dream, and this is from the devil. 

So the Qareen (companion devil) is not chained up.

(The virtues of the month of Ramadhaan" explained by sheikh Saleh al Oseimi)

🍃 And Shaykh Ibn ‘Uthaymeen said:

“In some versions of the hadeeth, it says, “and the strong devils (maarids) are chained up” – this is narrated by al-Nasa’i. This hadeeth is speaking of matters of the unseen, so we have to accept it and not discuss it any further.

This is safer for a person’s religious commitment.

Hence when ‘Abd-Allaah, the son of Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal said to his father, “Some people suffer epileptic fits during the day in Ramadhaan,” the Imaam said: “This is what the hadeeth says, and we do not discuss this.”…

Moreover, it seems that what is meant by their being chained up is that they are prevented from tempting people, based on the fact that there is a great deal of goodness and many people turn to Allaah during Ramadhaan. (Majmoo’ al-Fataawa)


So if they’re chained up, why does evil still occur in Ramadhaan?

🍃 Al-Qurtubi said:

"If it is said::

“How is it that we see an abundance of evil and sins occurring in Ramadhaan; if the devils were chained up this would not occur?

The response:

“They are only chained away from those who fast (correctly) fulfilling the conditions of the fast and being mindful of its etiquette.”

Or it is said that those who are chained are “some” of the devils; i.e., the rebellious ones, and not all of them,* _as has been previously mentioned within some of the other narrations.

Or, it is said that what is intended is that evil is “minimized” in (Ramadhaan); and this is something well-known.

For the occurrence of that (evil/sins) is less within than it is in other months.

Hence, them all being chained up does not necessitate that evil or sins will not occur; for there are other reasons besides the devils which cause this; such as despicable souls and evil ways, as well as human devils."

(Ibn Hajar in Fathul-Baari)

🍃 Shaykh 'Abdul-‘Azeez ar-Raajihi said:

“There is nothing in the Hadeeth which alludes to that they don't whisper (at all), rather it means that they are not able to achieve in it what they would usually achieve in other than it. Their whispering becomes less, they are chained, however they are still able to tempt some people.

And Allaah Subhaanahu wa Ta’aala says in His Book:

“Verily! He (the Shaytaan) has no power over those who believe and put their trust only in their Lord (Allaah).” (Surah An-Nahl 16:99)

He has therefore no power over the believers, it is indeed the individual however who brings destruction upon himself.

He must fight (perform Jihaad), fight against his own self, fight against the enemy of Allaah.

The Shaytaan whispers to the human being regarding misconceptions/doubts and desires. It is therefore upon him to fight, fight against the self, fight the desires, and fight against the Shaytaan, thus fighting is a must.”

And Allaah knows best


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