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  • Writer's pictureAsma Bint Shameem

When you visit Madeenah...

by Asma bint Shameem

Alhamdulillaah, you're in Madeenah, the most beautiful, the most beloved, the most sacred place on the face of the earth, after Makkah.

Here are some Do's and Don'ts when you visit such a venerated place.

📌 1. Be CAREFUL and show RESPECT

Madeenah is the city of the Prophet (Sal Allaahu alayhi wa sallam) and his noble Sahaabah.

This is where they established Islaam.

To commit any evil in this holy city, or to introduce any innovations here, of all places, would be the biggest disrespect to the Prophet (Sal Allaahu alayhi wa sallam) and the biggest insult to the Deen of Islaam.

🍃 Shaikh Salah al-Budayr, the Imaam of Masjid an-Nabawi, said:

"O you who come to Madeenah, you are in a place which, after Makkah, is the best and noblest of all places, so RESPECT it as it should be respected;

HONOR its sanctity and holiness and observe the BEST ETIQUETTE therein.

Know that Allaah has warned of the SEVEREST punishment for those who commit evil therein.

It was narrated from Abu Hurayrah radhi Allaahu anhu that the Prophet

Sal Allaahu Alaiyhi wa Sallam said: "Madeenah is a Haram (sanctuary), so whoever commits evil therein or gives protection to an evildoer, the curse of Allaah, the angels and all of mankind may be upon him. Allaah will not accept any obligatory or naafil deed from him on the Day of Resurrection."

(al-Bukhaari, Muslim)"

📌 2. Visit the Masjid of the Prophet ï·ș

Obviously, if you're in Madeenah, you would want to visit the masjid of the Prophet (Sal Allaahu alayhi wa sallam).

🍃He ï·ș said:

"The best places to which a person may travel are this Mosque of mine, and the Ancient House (i.e., the Ka'bah)." (Ahmad, saheeh by al-Albaani)

However, keep in mind that visiting this masjid is NOT part of Hajj or Umrah.

Any and all ahaadeeth which connect its visit to Hajj or that say that visiting the grave of the Prophet (Sal Allaahu alayhi wa sallam) is connected to Hajj are fabricated and not true.

📌 3. Do your Five Daily Prayers in Masjid an-Nabawi

Just one prayer at the Masjid of the Prophet ï·ș is BETTER than 1000 prayers any where else!

Subhaan Allaah!

Not “EQUAL” to a 1000 prayers....but BETTER than a 1000 prayers!

🍃 The Prophet ï·ș said:

"One prayer in this Masjid of mine is better than one thousand prayers offered anywhere else, except al-Masjid al-Haraam." (al-Bukhaari, Muslim)

📌 4. No need to complete 40 prayers in Madeenah

You don't HAVE to stay in Madeenah for forty prayers NOR is there any SPECIAL rewards for doing so.

You can stay as much as you want or as little as one prayer.

The hadeeth that talks about praying forty prayers in Madeenah is NOT AUTHENTIC.

The ulama have graded it as da'eef or weak.

🍃 Shake al-Albaani said:

"It is an innovation (bid'ah) to visit Madeenah and tell the visitors to Madeenah to stay there for a week so that they will be able to offer forty prayers in the Prophet's Masjid so that they will be free from hypocrisy and saved from the Fire."

🍃 And Shaykh Ibn Baaz said:

"With regard to the widespread idea that the visitor should stay for eight days so that he can offer forty prayers in the Mosque is wrong.

This hadeeth is DA’EEF according to the scholars and cannot be taken as proof or relied upon.

There is NO SET LIMIT for visiting the Prophet's Masjid.

If a person visits for an hour or two, or a day or two, or for more than that, there is nothing wrong with that." (Fataawa Ibn Baz, 17/406)

📌 5. Visit the Rawdah (Riyadh al-Jannah)

Do try and visit the Rawdah, which is that part of the masjid that is between the Mimbar (pulpit) of the Prophet ï·ș and his house, where he is buried.

You can pray two or more rakaat there, but you don't HAVE to pray salah there if there is a lot of crowding and rush.

You can make duaa, istighfaar, send salutations upon the Prophet ï·ș or any other dhikr.

This is a piece of Jannah on earth and ANY act of worship here would be accepted and ANY duaa you make will be heard.

After all, isn't Jannah where all wishes come true?

🍃 The Prophet (Sal Allaahu alayhi wa sallam) said:

"The area between my house and my minbar is one of the gardens (riyaadh, sing. rawdah) of Paradise" (al-Bukhaari, Muslim)

📌 6. The Rawdah is NOT the GRAVE of the Prophet ï·ș

Some people especially the sisters think that the Rawdah is the grave of the Prophet ï·ș.


The Rawdah is that part of the MASJID that is BETWEEN the Mimbar of the Prophet ï·ș and his house where he is buried, also called RIYADH-UL-JANNAH.

When sisters are allowed to go inside the older part of the Masjid, we are visiting Riyadh-ul-Jannah and NOT the grave of the Prophet ï·ș.

📌 7. Visiting the Grave of the Prophet ï·ș

For MEN, visiting the grave of the Prophet and the graves of the two noble Sahaabah Abu Bakr and Umar (radhi Allaahu anhumaa) is good and recommended.

They should visit them, send salaams upon them and make duaa for them.

đŸ”șWhat about women?

As far as women are concerned, there is a difference of opinion among the Ulama of Ahl-Sunnah wal-Jama'ah whether women are allowed to visit graves or not, and that includes the grave of the Prophet ï·ș.

Both sides have valid points based on the Qur'aan and authentic Sunnah, and Allaah knows best.

And although, some ulama do allow women to visit graves, under certain conditions, the Saudi authorities follow the opinion that it's NOT allowed for women to visit graves, and so NONE of the sisters are ALLOWED to go there.

So when they open the doors of the old masjid and let sisters in, they’re NOT letting the women visit the GRAVE.

Rather, they’re letting them pray in Riyadh al-Jannah or ‘Rawdah’ as they say.

📌 8. HOW TO visit the grave of the Prophet ï·ș and the two Sahaabah (for men).

The way to visit the grave of the Prophet ï·ș is simple.

When a man visits the grave of the Prophet ï·ș, he should say "Al-salaamu 'alayka ya Rasool-Allaah (Peace be upon you, O Messenger of Allaah)."

Then move about a yard to the right and say salaams to Abu Bakr by saying, "Al-salaamu 'alayka ya Aba Bakr."

Then move a little further to the right, about a yard, and say salaams to Umar ibn al-Khattaab, by saying, 'Al-salaamu alayka ya 'Umar."

Or other similar words.

❌ Common MISTAKES at the grave of the Prophet ï·ș❌

❌a) Do NOT make duaa TO the Prophet ï·ș.

That's SHIRK, may Allaah protect us.

❌ And do NOT justify making duaa to the Prophet ï·ș by saying that you're "asking" the Prophet ï·ș so that he can intercede for you with Allaah or you're asking Allaah "THROUGH" him.


The Prophet ï·ș CAN NOT and DOES NOT have the ability to hear you OR fulfill your duaa.

It's ONLY Allaah Subhaanahu wa Ta’aala that can do that.

❌ b) Do not make duaa here even if you're making duaa to Allaah.

Or read Qur'aan or other acts of worship.

There's NO PROOF that such an action is good.

🍃 Ali ibn al-Husayn saw a man making duaa at the grave of the Prophet ï·ș and he told him NOT to do that. (Abu Ya'la and al-Haafiz al-Diya)

❌c) Do not think that there's any special reward for Ibaadah at the grave of the Prophet sal Allaahu Alayhi wa sallam or any increased chances of duaa being answered here.

That's NOT correct and there's NO PROOF for that.

❌d) Do not stand before the grave with your hands tied as if you're in prayer, or bow or make sajdah etc. as some extreme people do, Astaghfirullaah.

That's SHIRK because this is a posture of humility and worship and we're only allowed to do that for Allaah Subhaanahu wa Ta'ala.

Yes of course, we stand with utmost RESPECT but NOT like we’re in Salaah.

And no bowing or sujood, Aa’oodhu Billaah.

❌ e) Don't make it a habit

Do not keep going to visit the grave again and again, after every prayer, or every day etc.

I know that you LOVE the Prophet ï·ș and LOVE to visit the grave.

But that's actually going AGAINST the teachings of the one you love.

🍃 The one you love (Sal Allaahu alayhi wa sallam) said:

"Do not take my grave as a place of festivity (which you visit repeatedly)." (Abu Dawood--saheeh by al-Albaani)

TRUE love is to follow the TEACHINGS of the Prophet ï·ș and to OBEY him. And to GIVE UP what YOU want, just because HE said so.

🍃 Someone asked Imaam Maalik about a man who came to visit the grave of the Prophet ï·ș every day.

He said, 'That is NOT RIGHT,' and quoted the hadeeth, 'O Allaah, do not make my grave an idol that is worshipped.'" (saheeh by al-Albaani)

🍃 Al-Qaadi 'Iyaad said about this issue:

"I have not heard of this from any of the fuqaha', and nothing is good for the latter generations of this ummah except that which was good for its first generations. I have not heard that any of the first generations of the ummah used to do that." (Al-Shifa bi Ta'reef Huqooq al-Mustafa)

📌 9. Visiting al-Baqee', mount Uhud and the Shuhadaa

Here again it is recommended for the MEN to visit the graveyard of al-Baqee', and the Shuhadaa of Uhud.

But for women, they are not allowed to visit the graves, although they may visit Uhud.

The authorities do not allow women to visit the graveyard of al-Baqee' because they follow the safer opinion of not allowing women to visit graves, since the hadeeth of the Prophet ï·ș is very severe.

🍃 He said:

"Allaah cursed the women who visit graves." (at-Tirmidhi, Ibn Maajah-- saheeh by al-Albaani)

📌 10. Do NOT TOUCH, WIPE, KISS any part of the Masjid

Some people, out of their love for the Prophet ï·ș touch or wipe parts of the masjid with their hands, clothes, prayer mats etc., seeking blessing (barakah) with the pillars, walls, doors, mihraab, minbar, etc.

Some even do it with the bookshelves and water coolers there!

Subhaan Allaah!


Remember, the Masjid is made of concrete and marble and brick and wood, just like any other building.

There's no “special” or “blessed” brick or stone used to build it, nor does the bookshelf, or marble or anything else of the building have anything to do with the Prophet ï·ș himself.

It's NOT permissible to seek barakah from anything other than the PERSONAL relics of the Prophet ï·ș and there are NO “relics” to be found in the masjid itself.

Besides, TRUE barakah comes from following the TEACHINGS of the Prophet ï·ș NOT by wiping the walls of his masjid, or kissing the doors or hugging the pillars.

📌 11. Be PATIENT, CONSIDERATE and SACRIFICE for your Muslim brother/sister

This goes for our ENTIRE LIFETIME, but this is something we should take care of, ESPECIALLY while in this Holy city.

Madeenah is a HOLY place.

The Masjid is the Masjid of your BELOVED.

The Rawdah is a piece of JANNAH.

The other person is your BROTHER/SISTER in Islaam.

Keep this đŸ‘†đŸŒprinciple in mind for EVER but especially when visiting the masjid, praying at a specific spot, waiting in line anywhere, or even while visiting the Rawdah.

You also don't want to push, shove or hurt any of your fellow Muslim in such sacred place.

Be extra, EXTRA careful and EXTREMELY polite, patient and courteous.

So INCONVENIENCE yourself for your brother/sister.

WAIT your turn to go into the Rawdah area and don't make your stay there too long in consideration for all those Muslim brothers and sisters waiting in line.

If you TRULY love the Prophet ï·ș you'll IMPLEMENT the following hadeeth and keep it in your HEART FOREVER.

🍃 The Prophet ï·ș said:

"The dearest of people to Allaah, may He be exalted, is the one who does most benefit to people, and the DEAREST of deeds to Allaah Subhaanahu wa Ta’aala, is JOY that you bring to a Muslim,

or relieving him of distress,

or paying off debt for him,

or dispelling his hunger.

And to walk with a brother to meet his needs is DEARER to me than observing I’TIKAAF in this masjid - meaning the masjid of Madeenah - for a MONTH."

(at-Tabaraani -- saheeh by al-Albaani)

📌 12. Go to Masjid al-Qubaa

The Prophet ï·ș used to LOVE to go to this Masjid every Saturday and pray two rakaat there as reported by al-Bukhaari.

🍃 Ibn Umar Radhi Allaahu anhumaa said:

“The Prophet ï·ș used to go to the masjid of Quba’ every Saturday, walking or riding, and he would pray two rak’ahs there.”

(al-Bukhaari 1191; Muslim 1399)

🍃 And he Sal Allaahu Alayhi wa Sallam said:

"Whoever purifies himself in his house, then comes to the Masjid of Quba' and prays there, he will have the reward of 'Umrah." (Ibn Maajah --saheeh by al-Albaani)

📌 13. No need to go to any other Masaajid

We don't need to go to any other masjid besides Masjid an-Nabawi and Masjid al-Qubaa, because there's no proof of that from the Qur'aan or the practice of the Prophet ï·ș or the Sahaabah that they did that.

🍃 Al-Ma'roor ibn Suwayd said:

"We went out with Umar ibn al-Khattaab, and we passed by a mosque on the way.

The people hastened to pray there, and 'Umar said, "What is the matter with them?"

They said, "This is a masjid in which the Messenger of Allaah ï·ș prayed."

Umar said, "O people, those who came before you were DOOMED because they followed such practices, until they established places of worship in such locations.

If a time for prayer comes when you are there, then pray, and if it is not the time for prayer, then MOVE ON." (Ibn Abi Shaybah in al-Musannaf, 7550)

🍃 Also, when 'Umar radhi Allaahu anhu heard that there were people who came to the tree under which the Prophet ï·ș received the bay'ah (oath of allegiance), he ordered that it be CUT DOWN.

(Ibn Abi Shaybah in al-Musannaf, 7545)

🍃 That's why Shaikh Salah al-Budayr said:

"It is NOT prescribed to go to the places and Masaajid in which the Prophet ï·ș or the Sahaabah prayed in order to pray there or to worship Allaah by offering du'aa's there etc., because the Prophet ï·ș did not enjoin that or encourage people to visit these places."

And Allaah knows best.


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